In addition, any tree in the United Kingdom can be covered by a tree conservation order and it is illegal to perform any work on it, including felling wood or pruning, before seeking permission from the local council. Depending on the jurisdiction, several legal issues may arise related to arborist practices, including boundary issues, public safety issues, heritage trees of community value and neighborhood issues, such as property, obstruction of views, impacts of roots crossing boundaries, annoying problems, quarantines due to diseases or insects, and the safety of nearby trees. In France, a qualified arborist must have an ornamental tree management certificate and a qualified arborist must have a tree pruning and care certificate, both issued by the French Ministry of Agriculture. An example of this is the felling of trees, felling or putting on hats, in which the entire crowns of the trees or the main stems are removed, generally cutting the main stems or main stems crosswise, leaving large and unsightly stems.

Gladys Bodkin
Infuriatingly humble sushi buff. Professional zombie trailblazer. Proud tv expert. Passionate tv ninja. Writer.